
March- Focus on Attention

There is so much I want to share with the parents and families I work with.  It is hard to know where to start! I want to share lots of great tips and strategies, but I don’t want to seem too scattered.  I have decided the easiest thing to do will be to focus on one topic per month.  That way if you are browsing the archives for a certain topic, posts related to that topic will be near by.  I don’t have an order yet for the next few months, but I thought I would start with some of the strategies I am working on with a few of my current students.

For March I want to start with Attention & Focus. It is critical that students have these skills to be in the position to learn.

A great place to start with students who are distracted or not completing their assignments in the classroom is with a scheduling system. An introductory schedule system would use pictures.


Check out the website http://connectability.ca/visuals-engine/#content to download the FREE templates you see below…

  1. 1 image/page
  2. Template thumbnail2 images/page
  3. Template thumbnail4 images/page
  4. Template thumbnail6 images/page
  5. Template thumbnail12 images/page
  6. Template thumbnail16 images/page


After students master this skill at the picture level, it is typically easy to transfer readers up to a word or sentence schedule.  Simply asking the students to check off tasks as they are completed can often help the students complete their assignments without ongoing reminders from the teacher.



KANDI MCMAHAN, M.A. CCC-SLP IS A KNOXVILLE, TN BASED SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST SPECIALIZING IN ACADEMIC-BASED INSTRUCTION IN LANGUAGE, READING, AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION. Kandi holds both state certification, and national recognition by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. She graduated from the University of Tennessee with a masters degree in Speech-Language Pathology and a concentration in Aural Rehabilitation. She has had extensive experience working with a wide variety of academically challenged students including those with ADD/ADHD, Dyslexia, Auditory Processing Disorder, Learning Disability, Disorder of Written Expression, Speech-Language Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and many others. She has a passion for helping “gray area” students achieve academic and college success on par with their intellectual potential. She shares her spare time with her artistic husband and energetic young daughter. Kandi is also an avid photographer and lover of all things art and design inspired.

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